Monday, April 5, 2010


Spring has sprung and my 3 year old can't resist touching the tempting ruffles of the ranunculus. In the foreground is pak choi that has bolted and ladybug food (aphids). The Zephirine Drouhin rose that I planted up the arbor is starting to bloom and is so fragrant and thornless. I planted 4 apple trees in February of 2008 anticipating a cooler summer (insert laugh track) and there is one lone survivor that is blooming. My meyer lemon is also making a comeback. It is such a great little tree and I am so glad that it survived!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tomato Seedling Giveaway Day

I have started so many tomato seedlings this year that I thought it might be fun to host a tomato seedling giveaway. They are all very healthy and organic, most are heirlooms but there are also some proven hybrids. I will put a limit of 2 per person. If you have something to trade the limit may be negotiable, but really I would just like to share my bounty with fellow tomato lovers and gardeners. Maybe a tomato festival is in our future?
The pictures are from last years bounty.

Event Date: 3/21/10
Event Time 10-1pm
Send me an email for address and directions.
Please feel free to tour the garden and visit, but please no smoking or pets. Kids are great if supervised.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Seed Delivery!!!!!

Last Wednesday when it was snowing, I received a knock at the door. Much to my delight, it was my seed delivery from Territorial Seeds. I love the ritual of reading the catalogues in Winter and carefully making my selections for Spring. This year I decided to try Partenon squash, a variety that doesn't require insect pollination. I plan on covering the plants with floating row cover and eating squash all summer. Every year the evil squash vine borers (actually quite pretty) destroy my squash. I hope to thwart the enemy by keeping the plants covered. I always feel a bit like Elmer Fudd when working against the borers and the stink bugs, but in Winter before the battle begins, I feel quite clever.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Transplant Day

The seedlings were untangled and transplanted. They looked quite sad initially, but perked up once they got back into the familiar environment of the garage. I will have to harden them off carefully once they're ready to plant. Only 2 more trays to go!
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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Snow Day

I didn't believe the forecast, and even when it started to sleet I was skeptical. Then big fat flakes of snow started dropping and STICKING!!! My 3 year old wasn't sure what to make of it and the dogs were curious. It really was a beautiful day, and I will look at these pictures come July and wonder how it was possible.
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tomato Seedlings

The tomato seedlings are growing bigger daily in the garage under my baker rack and shoplight setup. Soon it will be time to pot them up.

The potato leafed tomato in the foreground was supposed to be Black Krim. Now I'll have to grow it to see what kind of tomatoes I get.

I am sure that I will have way too many tomato seedlings come Spring. It sure would be fun to have a seedling swap. Any takers?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tomato Seedlings Pending

This is one of my favorite times of year. Tomato season is often boom or bust for me, but when I am starting seedlings I feel filled with optimism. I cruise the internet for reviews and favorites and plant way too many seedlings. I use permanest trays ala Dr. Carolyn Male and although many people recommend a sterile mix, I started my 'maters in a mixture of coarse sand (couldn't find fine), worm castings, and compost. I have a bakers rack in my garage with super cheap fluorescent light fixtures. The seeds planted so far include: Kellog's Breakfast (of course), Aunt Ruby's German Green (delicious), Cherokee Purple (my favorite, but very temperamental), Early Girl (a bush and regular), German Red Strawberry, Black Krim, Sungold, Sunsugar, Black Cherry, Mule Team, Eva Purple Ball and lots more. I will post updates as they grow.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kellog's Breakfast Tomato

The seed catalogues have been flooding my mailbox, and I am dreaming about tomatoes from the garden. This Kellog's Breakfast was one of my favorites last year. The texture was meaty and juicy, and the flavor just superb. I grew quite a few tomatoes, and the winners for me were: Kellog's Breakfast, Aunt Ruby's German Green, German Johnson, and Early Girl. I prefer to grow heirlooms, but Early Girl opened my mind a bit. One plant gave me enough tomatoes for several batches each of roasted tomato sauce, different types of salsa, chopped tomatoes and basil, and more. Most importantly, the tomatoes tasted great. I am sure the record heat prevented some of the tomatoes from living up to their full potential. Hopefully it will be a bit cooler this year.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Adorable garden in South Austin

As a real estate agent I go on property tours of new listings every week. I love seeing homes that belong to gardeners as this one clearly was. This home in South Austin had a xeriscaped yard with ornamental lettuces interplanted with perennials. There were beautiful crushed granite paths and a "pool" of blue glass. The inside was very nice as well with granite counters and a kitchen window that overlooks the garden. It was priced at $170,000.